Monday, August 16, 2010

When someone asks your advice but refuses to take it, how should you act?

I have two friends in particular, although I know most people do this at one point in their lives. These particular friends seem to do it very frequently, and I have run out of ideas on how to react to this. They will ask my advice, or my friends' advice, then when we tell them our opinion, they tell us that it is wrong.

For instance, I had a friend ask if I thought it was sketchy that she was talking to a boy her best friend had been talking to several months before, but had turned into nothing. I said No, I didn't think it was, but if she was concerned she needed to tell this friend about it to make sure she was fine with it; when I finished telling her this, she told me that it was wrong, and she thought it was sketchy, and just went on and on about it.

-After they tell me that what I think is wrong, they continue to rant and rave about it for quite a while; there's been times where the person in question hasn't stopped talking about it for over an hour.

When somebody does this, how do I react? Do I just tell them what they seem to be wanting to hear, no matter how harsh, or do I tell them my honest opinion and just try to ignore their ranting afterward? Why do people ask something like this if they don't want to hear what I think?When someone asks your advice but refuses to take it, how should you act?
Jayeffo: I resent the ';it's a girl thing'; remark. I, and plenty of females that I know are NOT like that.

I would start telling them what they want to hear (i.e. ';yes, it's hella sketchy you should stop before she ***** slaps you into next tuesday';) Go overboard with it, and say the total opposite of what you'd have said before. This will get them to open their eyes to the fact that something's up - and if it doesn't, in the future you can just ';mhm'; your way through the conversation because they obviously won't notice. :)When someone asks your advice but refuses to take it, how should you act?
I've got sisters and female friends who do that, not to mention girlfriends. It seems to be a ';girl thing';, and the best thing I've found is just to listen and then tell them what you think, so long as it isn't very rude or cruel. If they don't take your advice, that's up to them really.
I think that if someone does not like your opinion, they should not have asked you in the first place. If someone asks your opinion, they are expecting to hear what you think or what you think they should do. If I were that person, I would not put their answer down, I would just disagree in my head. I can't say why everyone in this world does that because there are billions and billions of different reasons! But, people might have their different reasons, but they should not put your opinions down, because they are the ones that asked! I sure hoped that helped!
The next time your friend asks you for your opinion on something simply reply ';Why do you even bother aking me? You're not going to listen or you'll tell me I'm wrong. I've given you advice on so many things that you simply blow I'm not going to tell you what I think!'; Then stick your tongue out at her, hehehe! :)
just learn who wants your advice and who just wants to rant

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