Saturday, August 21, 2010

Parents: I am going to re-ask this question (from months ago): how old was your child when...?

they walked with you in the grocery store (for example) and did not have to sit in the cart?

Last time I asked this lots of people said that they never used carts, and so I tried it, and I will never do that again. Even though he was being 'good' he still had to 'show' me everything; which meant he was touching items on the shelf. And when he promised not to touch the peanut butter, he then promptly went over to 'show' me jelly (for instance). It was a disaster. He is now condemned to the cart indefinitely.Parents: I am going to re-ask this question (from months ago): how old was your child when...?
lol. as soon as they could walk ... when they went with dad. which i found tremendously aggravating because of course then when they went with me they wanted to walk, too. it's all very well to take an hour at the grocery store if you only do it once every couple of months, but as the one who did all the rest of the shopping, i was annoyed that he let that cat out of the bag.

when i talked them back in, i tried to keep them there till sometime in the mid-2s (eta -- maybe it was 3s, actually). but actually at our grocery store they now have the carts that look like toy cars with steering wheels, and even my 6-year-old likes to drive those things.Parents: I am going to re-ask this question (from months ago): how old was your child when...?
Mine were between 3-4. Part of it was because of their sizes as I think 3-4 years old is definately big enough to walk on their own. Part of it was that the kids get tired out walking around.

I had rules, though. The first rule is that whichever kid was with me had to always have a hand on either my belt loop or the cart. No exceptions.
My daughter stopped going in the trolley just before her third birthday (only because my son was born and now have to use the trolley with the car seat holder thingys) she used to run round the shop touching everything until someone bowled her over with their trolley, that solved all my problems, she now walks sensibly and touches nothing.

Now I've discovered online shopping it's way easier then dragging two kids round ASDA
i think my kid was about 4. at that point, i could barely get him in those seats without taking off his legs.
My son is 3.5, and I still keep him in the grocery cart. I can get the shopping done much faster and with much less stress without having to keep one eye on a super-quick, super-sneaky toddler.

Every great once in a while, my husband goes shopping with me. That is the only time my son gets to walk with us in the store. And that's only because my husband can keep an eye on him while I shop.
my first two are close in age so i used a double pram and only shop when there was two parents, my son was about 20months when i started to let him walk because i didn't really have a choice as my husband got a job working away. so he would walk and i would put my 6months old in the cart
Oh god. I just had a flashback of when I let my 17-month-old push the ';shopper in training'; cart. What a mistake that was!! She's almost 20 months now and is not free to walk at the grocery store. She likes the carts that look like racecars and will ask to ride in them, at least, so although that cart seems to be 20 feet long and impossible to steer, it's a compromise I'm willing to make. :)
My 7 year old still likes to sit in the cart.

She would occasionally walk through the store but usually she would hold big sisters hand, so I didn't really didn't have that problem.

Confine that boy so you can shop in peace! :p

my six year old still begs to go in the buggy... and i wouldn't never attempt to make Timothy walk... and he's 4!... however our eldest son was good to walk around the age of 2. It really just depends on the kid... no two are alike!

power to the carts!!!
around 4-5

I put them in the cart...until they didnt fit anymore :) who in there right mind would ';never use carts'; and why would you listen to them? I used to do the groceries with my kids until the number of kids exeeded the places in the cart.

two up front... baby carrier on the top half (2 level carts) then there was one old enough to walk with me...

but now I do the grocery shopping at night....
My daughter is 3 and must sit in a cart. She'll run off otherwise and I'd have to chase her down. If I'm just going in to grab one item, I will hold her hand or let her hold the item to keep her occupied.

One time I let my husband be in charge of our daughter and the cart at Walmart while I was in another dept looking at something. He let her get out of the seat part and ride in the cart part. We were on our way to check out (him still pushing) and a lady walked out in front of us. He stopped the cart abruptly and our poor daughter had her hands on the front of the cart facing out and she flipped clear over the cart and landed on the floor! She was not hurt, but she cried b/c it scared her. That's the last time my husband was in charge of the cart let me tell you. He got a huge lecture.
She'll be 3 next month and I keep her in the cart still. I tried cartless and shed end up shopping and then I'd spend more time putting her purchases back than doing our shopping.
I believe I may have allowed my child to be at least 4 or 5 years of age. I think at this age they are able to participate in helping you shop versus being curious and pulling items off of the shelves. Also, it鈥檚 probably safe for them to remain in the cart. I guess it comes down to your child鈥檚 maturity level and your motherly intuition.
At 3 he was able to but even at 5 he still wants to ride instead of walk
dont know
First of all thank you posting the question. I am curious to see the answers. My son turned 3 in December,and I wish he would ride in a cart, he refuses, and has so since about the age of 2,he wants to be independent. I Absolutely hate going to any store, because he does the same thing, grabs stuff off the shelves and throws then in the basket, (by the time I check-out I don't what half of the stuff I have in my cart is...LOL), not only that he runs around and I have to chase him it's so embarrassing. If I do try to put him in the cart he screams like he's getting beat,and that's even worse.
It depends. My almost 3 y old wants to walk but once she starts running off, I'll put her back in the cart. My 4 and 7 y olds walk most of the time, if not they sit in the basket of the cart, not on the little seat
I'll be 41 in June and I still touch everything.
I have always let my kids walk with me as soon as they could walk.

We are quite the spectacle sometimes, me and 6 crazy kids. What the hell I like looking like a mormon
We could do it now at 24 months if I wanted to pull my hair out and take twice as long. I only let him out of the cart if we are picking up a few things and I only need a hand basket- not major shopping!!
With my daughter who is now 15 I think she was about 3. She got too big to sit in the seat part of the cart. I don't remember her doing anything crazy with me. She was pretty good. Now I have a 18 month old son. It should be interesting to see how he will be. He already likes to throw food out of the cart. Well in some of our grocery stores they have a play area for kids while you shop. I am not sure what age they begin. So I may do that when my son gets older.
lol@ dread head mama....';Power to the carts';....if I didn't use the carts i would spend all my time chasing him around the store instead of shopping..and mine is 2 1/2...hell i still use my stroller when i go to the mall...
I let my 2 1/2 year old walk sometimes, as long as he behaves himself. If he starts trying to run off or touches everything on the shelf, then I put him in the cart. He loves to walk, so for the most part he behaves himself. On the other hand, my 6 year old likes to ride in the back of the cart sometimes. I know, I break the rules. He didn't go through his terrible 2 phase until he hit 3, so he was in the cart until 3 1/2 or 4 because he wouldn't listen. You don't listen, you go in the cart.

Another trick that they like is to ride on the front of the cart. You know, hanging onto the push bar with their feet on the bottom shelf thing. (sorry, don't know the technical names of them) If my 2 1/2 year old is acting up, I'll sometimes try that before putting him in the cart. That way he's under control and he still feels like a big kid.

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