Monday, August 16, 2010

Anyone with a baby around 5 months old. How long does your baby entertain themselves?

with toys etc,before wanting to be picked up, or attention from you?

And if there are any b!tchy mums on the warpath today, no I'm not neglecting my bubs, just asking a simple question!

Thanks all!Anyone with a baby around 5 months old. How long does your baby entertain themselves?
It usually depends on his mood. My son is 4 1/2 months old and has always wanted lots of personal attention. But he'll sit in his bounceroo for maybe 20-30 minutes by himself on a good day. Long enough for me to fix dinner. Sometimes he'll lie on his play mat for maybe 15 minutes if he's on his back. He rolls side to side, which is really cute. But he doesn't like to be on his tummy unless you're down playing with him. And even then, he doesn't want on his tummy for very long. He's not really one to play by himself. He loves to be sung too and spoken to. So I try to interact with him as much as possible. Sometimes I can get away with playing peek-a-boo from across the room or singing to him from the kitchen (it's open to our living room so I can always see what he's doing).Anyone with a baby around 5 months old. How long does your baby entertain themselves?
My girl is 6 months and it depends on what time of day it is and what she's doing. She can entertain herself for up to half an hour while I'm cleaning, or showering or whatever. But if she's already kind of tired/cranky, it doesn't last too long at all before she wants to be held and talked to. And lately she's gotten into this habit of screaming very shrilly until I look at her...then she stops and smiles. LOL Little booger.
If he is enjoying himself I dont consider it neglect. Sometimes he feels like playing sometimes he wants attention. Babies need personal space too!

Mine has gone up to 3 hours with entertaining himself- granted I was in the room and would tickle him and play with him for a couple minutes inbetween cleaning duties. He is only 3 months. =D
my daughter is 5 months and she's pretty good at entertaining her self for a good while,while i am cleaning the house up i can get up to an hour before she falls asleep and when she wakes up she will then either want me or she may play for a little.

as long as she's not lying down she is fine she hates not being able to see anything
My son is 5 months and he doesn't care to entertain himself!! BUT, I have a Baby Beethoven dvd and he'll watch it like it's the best thing ever. I use it so I can cook dinner! He'll sit in his bouncy seat and just smile at all the little hand puppets.
My baby usually stays pretty content in her exersaucer....I can usually keep her in it for the duration when i'm cooking or cleaning the kitchen or whatever. That's realy the only thing that can keep her entertained now. She absolutely wont go in her swing anymore and she'll only tolerate a couple minutes of tummy time. 5 months i think is a really hard age...they know more of what's going on but there's not much to do about it because they're not mobile yet
My baby is 5 months old but was born 3 months early so not as advanced developmentally as yours. If he's awake, he wants attention. It's like he has a built-in tilt switch. He will scream and holler until he is picked up and placed upright, e.g. onto my shoulder.

Then it's like somebody flicked a magic switch, instant happiness! I don't mind at all. I've tried to carry him around with me in a Baby Bjorn but it never works out. I've discovered recently that I can leave him in his cot with the mobile going, he'll tolerate that for about 10 minutes before opening up the vocal chords again. It's amazing what you can get done in 10 minutes!
On a morning she'll stay in her cot and play for an hour, but during the day 30minutes tops, she gets easily distracted by the Cats lol, which then she wants to follow.


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