With curriculum, staff, resources, space, or simple suggestions. One thing I liked about Marcus Garvey and Booker T. was their ability to organize Black ppl of similar careers or talents into a unit as part of the struggle. Marcus Garvey's idea to nationalize and make those institutions independent was something that needs repeating. Because we are a colony within Amerikkka similar to Puerto Rico with a different set of laws and policies than those that apply to the rest of the US and are drained of resources, we need to centralize. Some of us need to remain employed in their system like the Spook That Sat By the Door, but only to ';open the gate'; and to bring opportunities and the knowledge back to the community. Others need to launch independent efforts until they can stand on their own. To an extent, this is already happening, but there is work to be done. If you are not an educator, but are of a different talent or career and would like to network, please specify both. We are told we can do it by ourselves, but no other group is doing it alone. They are all buying into the philosophies of Garvey and others since him but for their own group.Any suggestions on how to go about opening a school. Let me know how you or your organization can help.?
Ok first of all Booker T Washington was a white *** licker
read ya history bro
WEB Dubois was a revolutionary, he believed in both education of the black community as well as fighting to create opportunities for blacks...because you can be educated but without opportunities you will be just as poor as a man without an education
black people are smart, we don't need to be in the white man's system if we can afford to make our own.. just sayingAny suggestions on how to go about opening a school. Let me know how you or your organization can help.?
Ideally you would apply for some government funding but since only a hypocrite of your ideology would take filthy lucre from the Amerikkkan taxpayers I guess you'll need to seek private funding. Good luck with that.
Bro contact this brother. Dr. Mwalimu Bomanti Baruti.
His website is www.Akobenhouse.com
Edit: To Loverly Bunny for your information W.E.B. Dubois was an integrationist that not only opposed Marcus Garvey but was instrumental in getting him imprisoned in Atlanta and deported back to Jamaica. Before we were tricked into integrating into a society of our oppressors, Marcus Garvey saw the potential of Black people world wide and understood that we could be counted among the world's superpowers if we were left alone to develop a sovereign nation for ourselves.
Booker T. Washington believed that through education black people could create a better situation for themselves in America without the aid of government services. He believed we didn't need pity we just need to same opportunity as other Americans.
W.E.B. Dubois was the first President of the NAACP then he became a Communist. Ultimately he realized Garvey was right. Black people needed to form their own sovereignty not as a colonized extension of European nations. That is why he spent his last days in Accra Ghana where he died and is buried.
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